Where is Stephanie?

Stephanie can be online, or offline. More often than not, she's both places at the same time. You'll find her online almost everywhere: Twitter, identi.ca, Facebook, her blog, out-of-date professional site, Tumblr, Flickr... She also tries to maintain project-specific blogs and Twitter accounts (and mailing-lists and Facebook groups) but she can only spread herself so thin, so they tend to not be as active as she'd like. Examples? Going Solo, eclau, Coworking Léman, Bloggy Friday...

Of course, she has a friendfeed account too. She doesn't use it much, and thinks that if friendfeed provided her with a feed of her items that had been commented upon by others, it might change things. But still, it's useful if you want to stalk her: all her online presence collides there (if she hasn't forgotten anything).

Offline, she's usually in Lausanne, Switzerland. She loves it there. She works in the Lausanne coworking space that she founded, eclau, which is in the same building as her flat (she's very happy with the arrangement, and so it her cat Bagha). She travelled a lot professionally in 2007-2008 (she's on Dopplr of course) but has calmed down a bit this year. So, when she's not near her home, she's probably sailing on the lake or at her chalet in Gryon, walking in the mountains.